This page is dedicated to the incredible individuals known as our Patrons.
Because off people like YOU, we are able to continually improve what we do here at TotR.
From the entire TotR crew:
Thank you!
Wyatt Pressley Benny Kitchen WindyAlucard Meltingchasms Morgan Couch Strongbow Renee Tretheway Berdy Sarapsy Gabe Scheetz Grayson Donahue Ariana Dalton McDubs Michael Cisco Taylour Boo Holden Ray Tan Mike Atchley |
Stan Sitzman Jeff Icenhower Koebaebeefboo Daniel Nichols Eric Sandall Artmmkay/DH Kite Susannah Lewis Darwin Demaree Germaine Lim Gail Yadon Bethany MacLeod Amanda Campbell Andrew Chrapkiewicz |